When creating a PDF document with Infragistics.Documents.Report, how do I turn on commenting so that people using the Acrobat reader to view the document can add comments?
Thanks,Chris K
By default, when you are exporting an UltraGrid to a pdf file and you open the exported pdf file with Adobe Reader you are able to make Comments and Highlighted text. Also a Report object has properties HideMenuBar and HideToolbar which determine if the menu bar and toolbar should be visible on the exported pdf file. If you hide the toolbar then the function of Comments and Highlight are not available. So please verify that Report.Preferences.PDF.Viewer.HideMenubar and Report.Preferences.PDF.Viewer.HideToolbar are set to false. Also please see the attached video where I am showing that the Comments and Highlighted text are available to the exported pdf.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I'm just using the Report object, but I'm not hiding anything: I checked, and both the properties you mention are at their default values of false. I'm currently checking to see if there's a corporate security policy regarding PDF files that might be causing the problem for me.
Speaking of security policies, ours also prevents us from easily using freeware, so I can't uncompress the video. Would you be able to repost it, but compressed with WinZIP?