My application, using SCSF, consists of two panels, where left pannel is a menu list\ search criteria view and right panel contains a view with grid to display data.
The grid has an event BeforeExitEditMode to perform data validation when user edit the cell's data. User will not be able to exit edit mode until they type in valid data.
However, we face a issue here where user can enter an invalid data in the cell then directly go to click another menu\ re-retrieve the data at search criteria view in left panel. When this happen, the grid is like triggering the BeforeExitEditMode event repeatedly itself until the whole application hang.
I try to set the grid's properties ExitEditModeOnLeave to FALSE and my testing shows me that: -
1. Change 1st cell's data to invalid value then leave the grid will not trigger the BeforeExitEditMode event
2. Change 1st cell's data to valid value and 2nd cell's data to invalid value will trigger the BeforeExitEditMode event repeatedly until the whole application hang.
Anyone has any idea how to resolve this type of issue?
Greatly appreciate yours idea and help.
What version of the grid are you using?
What is your code doing that actually triggers this loop of events firing?
If you could duplicate this behavior and a small sample project and post it here, I'd be happy to take a look at it, but there's not enough information here for me to go on without a sample.
I will try to prepared a sample apps to demo my issue.