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cell image question

I was trying to show a "paper clip" icon in a cell in our application.  However, for some reasons, the image has some blue stuff in the lower right hand corner as shown in the attachment.

Here is the code I used

UltraTreeNodeColumn nodeColumn = columnSet.Columns.Add(row["DisplayColName"].ToString());

nodeColumn.DataType = typeof(System.Drawing.Bitmap);

nodeColumn.Editor = new Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableImageRenderer();

nodeColumn.ColumnSet.CellAppearance.ImageHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Center;

nodeColumn.ColumnSet.CellAppearance.ImageVAlign = Infragistics.Win.VAlign.Middle;

columnSet.Columns[row["DisplayColName"].ToString()].Tag = "LinksValue";


Image image = _tree.ImageList.Images[0];

childNode.SetCellValue(childNode.DataColumnSetResolved.Columns[sKey], image);


I know it might not be Wintree problem since the image was displayed fine in my standalone demo program but I just don't know where to look at for this problem.

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