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cell image question

I was trying to show a "paper clip" icon in a cell in our application.  However, for some reasons, the image has some blue stuff in the lower right hand corner as shown in the attachment.

Here is the code I used

UltraTreeNodeColumn nodeColumn = columnSet.Columns.Add(row["DisplayColName"].ToString());

nodeColumn.DataType = typeof(System.Drawing.Bitmap);

nodeColumn.Editor = new Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableImageRenderer();

nodeColumn.ColumnSet.CellAppearance.ImageHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Center;

nodeColumn.ColumnSet.CellAppearance.ImageVAlign = Infragistics.Win.VAlign.Middle;

columnSet.Columns[row["DisplayColName"].ToString()].Tag = "LinksValue";


Image image = _tree.ImageList.Images[0];

childNode.SetCellValue(childNode.DataColumnSetResolved.Columns[sKey], image);


I know it might not be Wintree problem since the image was displayed fine in my standalone demo program but I just don't know where to look at for this problem.

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  • 469350
    Offline posted


    This could just be a shadow. Instead of setting the Editor on the column, try setting the Style to Image and see if that helps.

    If not, then see what happens if you display the same image in a PictureBox control or some other inbox control.


