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Combo Editor fires selectionChangeCommitted on MouseUp while scrolling

I have a combo editor in SuggestAppend mode. I'm handling the SelectionChangeCommitted event to detect when the user has chosen an item from the suggestions dropdown. The problem I've found is that this event is being fired when you use the mouse to drag the scrollbar and then release the mouse over an item in the list. I would expect this to do nothing as the mouse down was on the scrollbar.

Has this been fixed in a newer release? or is there anyway to workaround it?

I'm on 2010v1

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    Just to make sure I understand, you are saying that you type something into the combo and it shows the list of suggestions. And then you click and drag the scrollthumb and without releasing the mouse button you move the mouse over an item on the list, and then release the mouse. Is that right?

    And at that point, the item the mouse was over becomes selected and the event fires?

    Or are you saying that the event is firing without the selection actually changing?

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