I am having a problem adding a PopupMenuTool to an already existing PopupMenuTool. I am unable to post the code that I am using but I will try to explain.
I have an UltraWinGrid object (myWinGrid)
I have an UltraToolbarsManager object (mTBMgr).
I have a PopupMenuTool popMenu7 = new PopupMenuTool ("gridPopup").
- the popMenu7 PopupMenuTool contains a bunch of buttons
popMenu7.Tools.AddRange ( ToolBase[] { buttonTool40, buttonTool41, .....});
- the popMenu7 PopupMenuTool is added to the UltraToolbarsManager object
mTBMgr.Tools.AddRange ( ToolBase[] { button50, popMenu7 , button 51,.....} );
(All of this is logic is in the InitializeComponent method of my form)
I have a event handler to handle the OnMouseUp event for the grid (myWinGrid). Here is the code for that event
protected void myWinGridOnMouseUp(sender, e)
if (e.Button.Eqauls(MouseButton.Right)
PopupMenuTool contextMenu = mTBMgr.Tools["gridPopup"] as PopupMenuTool ;
PopupMenuTool newContext = new PopupMenuTool("Columns");
newContext.SharedProps.Caption = "Columns";
mTBMgr.Tools.Add(newContext );
When I run this code, the "Columns" popup menu is not displaying in the popMenu7 menu. If I step through the code and I examine the contents of the mTBMgr and popMenu7, the "Columns" popup menu exists in the Tools collection but it is not displaying.
We have 2 versions of Infragistics at our Company, version 8 (8.1.20081.1000) and version 10 (10.1.20101.1007). The code I have listed above works when I use version 8 of Infragistics but it does not work when I use version 10 of Infragistics.
There is a proxy ContextMenuStrip that is trying to open when you right click on a control. Internally, the UltraToolbarsManager is detecting this and showing the popMenu7 instead. In older versions, this was a ContextMenu instead of a ContextMenuStrip. My guess is Microsoft changed the order of events with regard to the context menu opening and the MouseUp event. So when you add a tool to popMenu7 in the MouseUp event, it has already started displaying itself as a context menu.
Regardless of event order, trying to do this is MouseUp event is not recommended, specifically because of the unpredictable order. It is better to handle the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolDropdown event. If the tool being dropped down is a context menu, the SourceControl property of the event args will be the Control that was right-clicked and the Tool property will be a root tool.
Thanks for the update. I was playing around a little bit with the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolDropdown event and I wasnt able to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. Let me explain to you what I want to do and maybe you can help me out. I have the following 2 items: a PopupMenuTool (popmenu7) filled with ButtonTools and an UltraGrid (grid) full of data. When the user right-clicks in the grid, I want to add a PopupMenuTool to the already exists PopupMenuTool (popmenu7). This newly added PopupMenuTool will contain all of the columns headers that appear in the grid (a check mark will appear next to all columns that are visible). The user uses this PopupMenuTool to hide/show columns in the grid.
So what I was trying to do in the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolDropdown event, was to create an instance of the PopupMenuTool (popmenu7) and then add a submenu that has all of the columns that appear in the grid (or should I say in the underlying datasource, which is a list of custem datatypes). Is this something I can accomplish in the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolDropdown event
OK, I tried modifying the e.Tool property in the BeforeToolDropdown event and it did not work. Here is what I did:
In the Form_Load event, I set
mToolbarsManager.SetContextMenuUltra(this, "gridPopup");
- "gridPopup" represents popMenu7 which I mentioned in a previous Post.
In the InitializeComponent method I create an event handler to handle the BeforeToolDropdown event
mToolbarsManager.BeforeToolDropDown += new BeforeToolDropDownEventHandler(mToolbarsManager_BeforeToolDropdown)
In the mToolbarsManager_BeforeToolDropdown event I have the following code:
PopupMenuTool newContext = new PopupMenuTool ("Columns");
mToolbarsManager.Tools.AddRange( new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase[] { newContext });
(e.Tool as PopupMenuTool ).Tools.AddTool("Columns");
When I run this code, the Context menu (PopupMenu --> popMenu7) does not contain the new "Columns" PopupMenu. When I step through the debugger, the "Columns" PopupMenu appears in the mToolbarsManager.Tools collection but it is not being displayed. Can you modify e.Tool to add in a new PopupMenu? Do you have any ideas on how I can accomplish what I want to accomplish?
I can't reproduce the problem. I've attached a sample that I think demonstrates what you described, except I applied the context menu to the Form instead of a grid. Am I missing something?
I added your code to a sample form and everything worked fine. But when I try to apply the same logic to my other GUI, the "Columns" popupmenu does not appear in the "gridPopup" popupmenu. I added some debug statements to the mToolbarsManager_BeforeToolDropdown method to see what is happening and it seems like the e.Tool property is being modified correctly (I popped up a messagebox listing the number of Tools in the e.Tool collection of the "gridPopup" popupmenu and the count shows that a new item was added). So the new PopupMenuTool is being added properly but it is not being displayed for whatever reason.
I am not exactly sure where to go from here. Can you think of any particular reason why the popupmenutool would not be displaying properly? Is there any other method/event that I can use to accomplish what I am tyring to accomplish?
That's strange. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Can you post a small sample that reproduces it? I can't think of any other event that would be better to use.
Unfortunately I can not post any of the code. I find it really strange that the Tools collection is being populated correctly but is not being displayed. Do you have any suggestions on what to look at?
I want to add tools to popup menu dynamically. The tool is adding but not displaying on UI.after going through the blog I used refresh merge, here the problem comes tools are adding when ever the event triggers some shaking of trembling in UI is found. I am working on cad viewer development these sort of disturbances are not allowed on viewer.kindly please suggest a solution...thanx
Never mind, you are welcome!
Your description looked like my issue and I needed this issue solved too before switching from 2007.1 to 2010.3. Maybe this RefreshMerge() will end up in some documentation/Howto/FAQ due to our issues.
No worries. Glad I could help.
I have been working this issue for a couple weeks now, so I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, but it turns out my problem was exactly the same as Dominiks. I am working on legacy code that I did not write and it has many different layers of extraction. I did not check to see if the toolbamanager that I was using was a merged toolbarmanager. Once I added the call to RefreshMerge(), my issue went away. So Mike, thanks for getting back to my posts so quickly, sorry if i wasted some of your time. And Dominik, thanks for posting your issue, you save me a ton of time because I was getting to the point where I was going to re-write a ton of code.
If you tried my code in a sample and it worked, but it won't work in your application, my only guess is that there is some other code in your application which is doing this. Maybe some property is being set on the UltraToolbarsManager in your application but not the sample. Or maybe the tools are hidden in your application for whatever reason. It is difficult to provide more help without seeing some code.