One of my grid columns having checkboxes and header checkbox allowing check/uncheck all.
For some reason when I am checking single checkbox in grid row header checkbox changing state to Indeterminate as well, anyway to prevent this?
I have following settings on this column:
Me.grd.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.CheckBoxMe.grd.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Header.CheckBoxSynchronization = HeaderCheckBoxSynchronization.RowsCollectionMe.grd.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Header.CheckBoxVisibility = HeaderCheckBoxVisibility.Always
I don't think this is standard anyhow, previous version of the program I am rewriting using Stingray grid and that is not the case in their grid. Explaining this standards QA would be tough as well.
Could you please provide code example how to cancel this behavior?
The reason the header checkbox state changes to Indeterminate is because at least one but not all of the cells in that column are checked. This is a standard UI metaphor; the "parent" checkbox shows as checked when all "child" checkboxes are checked, unchecked when all children are unchecked, and indeterminate when the states are mixed.
It is possible you could use the IUIElementCreation interface to override this behavior, but this could be confusing to users who are familiar with the current behavior.