I have a databound line chart and i want to set maximum value for the "Y" axis something different than the max value of one of the series. Can you suggest how to do this??
e.g. the datasource has two columns (DateTime for x axis and numeric values for y axis). when I bound it to the chart, it plots it on x and y axis, and the max "y" value on the series is lets say 50. so Line chart plots somewhere 55 or 60 as maximum on "Y" axis, however, I want to plot 75 as maximum for "Y" axis.
Is this possible? How? please suggest
I figured that by setting axis's RangeType to Custom and then setting value for RangeMax would allow us to customize the maximum value of the databound chart.
Thank you for the provided feedback.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
By the time you've hit FillSceneGraph, the axis range has been calculated and it's too late to be setting it on IAdvanceAxis instances. However, if for some reason you need to change your range inside FillSceneGraph (which I would personally discourage), do so directly on the chart instance. For example, myChart.Axis.X.RangeMin = min. Just remember that changing most properties on the chart directly will cause FillSceneGraph to fire again, so you will need a condition to avoid the infinite loop. Is there a reason you need to do this inside FillSceneGraph?
Any ideas why this won't work in the FillSceneGraph sub?