I realize this is probably real easy, but I am having one of those days. I created a WinExplorerBar and added two group with three items each. I would like to have a different image for each group and item. I currently can't get any images to display. I went into the designer, selected the group tab and selected the first group. In the properties list I expanded the Settings/AppearancsLarge property and then went to the image property and added an image (from an ImageList-size=32x32). I then tried ExplorerBar/Apperance/Image Property and added a different image from an ImageList (I have also tried this with images in a resource). On the second group I tried to modify the ItemSettings/AppearancesLarge/ActiveAppearance/Image settings and the ItemSettings/AppearancesLarge/Appearance/Image settings with no change. I am obviously not doing something correctly.
Could someone give me the step by step on adding an image to a group and then different images to other groups/items.
Thanks very much
Rick (BTW - I checked both the online and offline help to no avail).
I have had the same problem, I am sure there is a workaround but the one I found and so far I am using is:
Create a Image list with the Images you want
Set the UltraExplorerBar.ImageListSmall to the ImageList you just have added
Open the Groups Collections and expand the and go to the first node,
once there to Settins / Aparance Small / Apararence / Image .....select the image from the image list... is a bit of a pain, but the designer remembers the state of the expanded properties tree so when you move to your next node you don't have to expand it...
if you find any other way let me know
Ricardo Casquete
Group headers use the images from AppearancesLarge when UltraExplorerBar.UseLargeGroupHeaderImages is explicitly set to true; if it is not set explicitly, the ExplorerBar and OutlookNavigationPane styles use the images from AppearancesLarge, and the other styles the images from AppearancesSmall.
Items use the images from AppearancesLarge/AppearancesSmall as dictated by the UltraExplorerBarGroup.Settings.Style property, when the property is explicitly set. When it isn't, small images are used for all styles except Listbar.
All styles fall back to the images defined under AppearancesSmall when none are specified under AppearancesLarge; the down side of relying on this fallback is that the images may be scaled up, causing anti-aliasing effects.
Actually testing this I found out some information on the images
UltraExplorerBarGroup1.Settings.AppearancesLarge.HeaderAppearance.Image = myImage
This puts the image in the group header,
item to the header images are set:
UltraExplorerBarGroup1.Groups.Item(0).Items(0).Settings.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = myImage
Seems to be okay
Hope this helps someone else
Thanks for the info. I do see my images coming out with a non-transparent background when read from the database. Maybe that has something to do with how the PNG is being saved or read and converted from the DB.
Another question about the ExplorerBar. I am setting its Style property to ExplorerBar and I was wondering how to get the GroupHeader an image. All the sub groups work fine, but the main header for the groups does not. Can it even be used to show an image? For instance
Group - Administrator >>
item - Permissions
item - Security
Group - Human Resources >>
item - Schedule
The items work fine for images, I can get them to view. But the Groups I can not.
Sample code:
ExplorerBar.Groups.Item(myGroupMainItem).Text = "MyName"
ExplorerBar.Groups.Item(myGroupMainItem).Key = MyInt32
ExplorerBar.Groups.Item(myGroupMainItem).Settings.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Middle
ExplorerBar.Groups.Item(myGroupMainItem).Settings.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = Me.ImageListMain.Images(MyImageIndex)
Item Code works:
ExplorerBar.Groups.Item(myGroupMainItem).Items(myGroupSubItem) .Text or .Key or ).Settings.AppearancesSmall.Appearance and so on...
I think your problem is more with the images itself that with the infragistics control.
Try the application Paint.Net, is free and is quite good (and developed fully in C#), use the magic wand to select the part out of your image and click "del" and save.... with that you will have for sure a transpararent image.
( I always tend to save as Gif, because I have had some issues with png before... ) but that shouldn't really matter
Regards and Hope it works