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Binding child bands to a list of objects that implement an interface

Lets assume I have objects defined like this:

Public Class A

  Public Property details as List(of B)

End Class

Public Class B : Implements ISomeInterface

  Public Property Y Implements ISomeInterface.Y

  Public Property X

End Class


It seems that the only fields that I can display on the grid on child band(details) are the ones from ISomeInterface. ie, property X will not display. If I look at 'details' properties at run-time(grd.rows.bands(0).list.details(0), it shows it as a type of ISomeInterface. Is there a way to force the type of these items to be of type B within the grid?

  • 55

    I was wrong about the 'details' properties, they actually show as type 'B', but the only properties I columns that will display are from ISomeInterface

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