The following text produces the screenshot below:
Cannot locate the Local/Hebrew text problem/1.0/פנדה מחשבים ותקשורת1 repository item in the running application. Searched for 15 seconds. <br/><I> Hint: The Window \"<a href=\"Local_x002F_Hebrew_x0020_text_x0020_problem_x002F_1.0_x002F_פנדה_x0020_מחשבים_x0020_ותקשורת1\">פנדה מחשבים ותקשורת1</a>\" with the property \"URL\" [\"\" is not equal to \"\"]</I><br/>Chose possible control match: Window
What can be done to keep the link from running over the rest of text?
It is very interesting issue, because you are using right-to-left and left-to-right text at the same time. So I try to put some spaces (“ ”) before </a> tag and this worked fine for me. The might occurring based on different characters measurements and that why overlaps the other text.
This is the resulted text :
Cannot locate the Local/Hebrew text problem/1.0/פנדה מחשבים ותקשורת1 repository item in the running application. Searched for 15 seconds. <br/><i> Hint: The Window \"<a href="Local/Hebrew text problem/1.0/פנדה מחשבים ותקשורת1\">פנדה מחשבים ותקשורת1 </a>\" with the property \"URL\" [\"\" is not equal to \"\"]</i><br/>Chose possible control match: Window
And here is how this text is rendering.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
This solution isn't satisfactory. The text for the link is dynamic at runtime, and we don't know what language it will be in more or less how large the link will be in spaces. We aren't even certain what language the text will be in. A grand majority of the time it is in English and works fine, but occasionally we have Hebrew or other languages characters appearing in the link.
Is there a more complete solution?