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Reset Loaded Layout of the ToolbarsManager


This might be a stupid question. But how do I reset the Layout of a ultraToolbarsManager?

I use the Ribbon and the Office2007 style.

Quick description of my problem.

When I close a Form, I save the Layout to file like this (all changes as e.g. minimizing the toolbar will be persisted):this.ultraToolbarsManager1.SaveAsXml(fileName, true):

When I open the Form again, I load the Layout like this (the layout is loaded and the toolbar will appear minimized):this.ultraToolbarsManager1.LoadFromXml(fileName):

My question is, how can I get back to the original layout (that is the layout as it was the first time I opened the Form)?

I would expect a ultraToolbarsManager1.ClearLayout or something similar, but can't find it.

I would be very grateful for any help, thanks!

Øyvind Liland

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