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Problems with a grid containing a checkbox-column


This is my first post, so please bear with me if I posted it in a wrong place.

I've got a Windows Form with a panel, and on that panel is an UltraGrid. The datasource for the grid is a generic list of KeyValuePair<bool, string>. The column with the bool values are shown as checkboxes in the grid. Only one of the checkboxes should be selected at a time, and they should also be deselectable, which is done programmatically. The string column should not be editable.

When the grid's datasource is set, the values load as expected, but I can't seem to check the checkboxes. I've made a workaround using the DoubleClickCell event, but that really isn't intuitive for checkboxes.

I tried listening to the CellChange event, trying to inspect the Text property of the cell (as described in another post), but the event was never triggered. I've tried explicitly setting the grid's DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate  to Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True, as described in a KB article. I was expecting this to make the string-column editable also, but still no change.

I hope I've been clear with my problem, and that someone can help me. I'm fairly new to Infragistics altogether so there's a good chance I'm doing something fundamentally wrong :-)

- Lars

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