I am using a composite UltraChart. Is it possible to position the Y axis in the middle of the chart ? For example, when the displayed X range is -2...+12, the Y axis should be located at X = 0.
I am just wanted to know if you need any further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Thanks Hristo,
I got your example working, but when I tried to apply the same behavior to my own chart, I did not see any change in the axes. Of course there are a lot of differences in my chart code compared to the example. I guess I must keep on trying.
Hi there,
So am I right to say we can't use the zero-aligned on composite charts?
Is there a way around it?
Please note that in previous post I was mentioned about the “UltraChart.Data.ZeroAligned does this for non-composite charts”, so please verify that your chart is not composite chart, which might be the difference.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.