I have a UltraToolbarsManager on my Mainform. I woult like the caption of the ApplicationMenu to be in Dutch. It's now in Englis with caption File it must be in Dutch Bestand How can I change the caption.
I use VB.Net 2010
Is there someone here who can explain me ho I can translate UltraToolbarsManager in dutch please. I realy don't lnow how to do this.
Since you are looking to change the captions of various parts of the ribbon to Dutch, it would be helpful for you to be aware of how to localize all of the Windows Forms controls. Here is a help article explaining how to do it in code:
Here is a list of links to all of the resource strings of all of the Infragistics Windows Forms controls:
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.FileMenuButtonCaption =