in some of the appointments the time is appearing without me setting it in the subject. Please have a look at the following shot:
I dont want the time to appear. How do I do that?
This KB article describes how to force the times to appear, but you can use the same code to prevent it as well.
this sample that i downloaded from that kb article gives me an error while I build it:
Error 1 Unable to resolve type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraDayView, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.v5.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' D:\xxx\ultradayview_appointmenttext_vb\licenses.licx UltraDayView_AppointmentText_VB
i just put the license file that i had in place of the sample one the sample builds fine.
hi again ..
so using the source in the KB article, what I extracted from it was the following to incorporate that functionality in my project:
in the form load event I wrote following 2 lines:
dayview.CreationFilter = New CreationFilter_CustomAppointmentText(dayview, AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Automatic)
where the sub is the following:
Sub displaytype()
Dim displayStyle As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle
' Iterate the listbox's SelectedItems collection, and
' add the bit that corresponds to the constant to
' the stack variable
Dim enumVal As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle = AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Subject
Dim creationFilter As CreationFilter_CustomAppointmentText = dayview.CreationFilter
displayStyle = (displayStyle Or enumVal)
If Not creationFilter Is Nothing Then
creationFilter.DisplayStyle = displayStyle
End If
End Sub
Please let us know if you need any other assistance.