We are using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinInkProvider.Ink17.v10.2 along with UltraMaskedEdit. Masked edit control is placed on a modal dialog window. When we click the icon near the masked editor, drilldown window for tablet pc comes and it takes some memory. But upon clsoing on modal window, it doesnt releases memory, though we explicitly called to dispose all controls in the modal form.
After sevevral times opening the modal window will result in considerable memory usage and starts freezing/crashing.
Rajesh DG
Hi Rajesh,
I tried to run your sample, but I was unable to, because there appear to be quite a number of files missing, including the solution file (which determines the version of visual studio the project belongs to), the license file, assemblyinfo, resources, and settings. Can you post a complete project so I can check it out?
Also... how are you determining the memory usage?
Does it go up by the same amount every time you drop down the ink panel?
Are you sure the MaskEditor control is getting disposed?
It's possible that the memory is getting freed-up, but that it simply hasn't been collected yet. Try calling the following code before you check the memory usage and see if it makes any difference:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for looking into this.
I have uploaded all the files you have asked.(MemoryLeakageCheck.zip). Please note that infragistics DLLs are not uploaded as the size is quite huge.
I have attached another file(Ants MemoryCheck.zip), from that you will get an idea, how I am monitoring memmory usage.
Below are few more observations:
1. Memmory is increasing not only when we drop down the ink panel, also when we try to draw/type text on boxes. ( you can try with lenghty text, so that number of boxes(place holder for text in ink panel) will increase.
2.Please see the code, GC.Collect has been called after disposing all the controls.
3.Not just memmory, window handle, user & GDI objects are increasing when we add more characters into boxes.
Let me know, if you need any more assistance.
RegardsRajesh DG