I have created a nice looking application using infagistic controls that have a common look across all the controls and forms using the Office2007Blue Style. The problem is that I need to pop up message boxes from time to time and the message boxes are being displayed in the standard windows style and not following the style used in the rest of my application. Is there anyway to make standard MessageBox (found in System.Windows.Forms) follow the styling used in the rest of the application?
I am using NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2008 Vol. 1 Bundle and apologize if this is not the correct place for it, I was not sure what to put this under.
No, unfortunately, the DotNet MessageBox class does not allow any sort of styling. You could, of course, create your own MessageBox dialog using Infragistics controls or InBox controls with an InboxControlStyle on it.
What would be really great is if Infragistics had an UltraMessageBox component. You can Submit a feature request to Infragistics for one and maybe it will be added in a future release. :)
The UltraMessageBox is available now in version 2010.1, how can I set the InboxControlStyle?