I'm trying to add an ultratexteditor with a statebutton on the left to a column. For that purpose I just added this control to my form an set my column's editorcomponent to it.
but the column is always show an as a simple textbox.
How can I achieve my goal?
ok, typical
After researching for hours, I post my question and solve it 10minutes later by myself :D
My fault was, that I manually defined a dataschema and set the datasource in code, so I have to configure my columns after setting my datasource.
One question remains.
Whenever I check/uncheck my statebutton all buttons (of every row) get checked/unchecked.I assume this is because, they all use the same control. Is there a way around it?problem is I want to always show this editor control.What are my options to do that?
any ideas?
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