Can i get Event to expand and collapse Tasks listed in Grid Section of Ultraganttview ??
I want to implement like this when parent task is expanded at that time child task will be filled up into parent Task so I want event to Expand and Collapse event of tasks. Is it possible?
Or with any other approach I can handle this implementation??
Please reply. Thanks in adv.
Do you have any idea?? Please if you have any guideline related this post then please reply me.
Thanks in adv.
- Vimmi
I was looking for these events aswell and was able to solve it with use of the PropChangeEventHandler of the task. Here are som code example.
When adding the task to the ganttview, subscribe to the event like this:
task.SubObjectPropChanged += new Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectPropChangeEventHandler( task_SubObjectPropChanged );
This event will fire everytime a property of the task is changed, so in order to filter out the expand property, use this code:
void task_SubObjectPropChanged( Infragistics.Shared.PropChangeInfo propChange ) { if (propChange.Trigger == null) if ((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskPropertyIds)propChange.PropId == Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskPropertyIds.Expanded) Console.WriteLine( "Task " + propChange.Source.ToString() + " expanded = " + ((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Task)propChange.Source).Expanded );