I need to support changing date (move) of tasks with subtasks. It seems that this is not supported at the moment because the date fields is grayed out as soon as one subtask is added. Mouse drag doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
A summary task's start/end times are based on its descendants, which is the reason you can't change the value. If you change the start time of each child, the summary will "move" accordingly.
Sure, I understand that, the end users does not.
The End users task is to move a task one week in time. This task has approx. 50 sub tasks. The most intuitive way to do this is to drag the parent task. This should be the same as the user selected each one of the 50 subtasks and dragged. This (reschedule in large projects) is a common thing which I need to support.
Is it possible to create this myself? Is it possible to get date from mouse cursor position?
Hello Emil,
I have submitted this behavior as a feature request on your behalf.