I have just downloaded the new release (2010 vol 3) and I cannot install it on my computer with XP in French. It just crashes after a few seconds, without any error message (it just disappears from the process list). I have tried on a virtual machine with 7 in English and it works. Both have .Net 3.5 SP1 and 4 installed, as well as VS 2010 Premium.
I have always had trouble with Infragistics and French OS in the past, but this time, i can't seem to figure it out.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Hello Damien,
Which EXE is causing the issue? There are several packages that contain the Windows Forms product, so the issue you are facing may be specific to a particular package.
From the software you list being installed, the package should be running normally. Is anything being written to the log file? You can find it in your local application data folder (C:\Documents and Settings\(user name)\Local Settings\Application Data\Infragistics\Wrapper\IGWrapper.log).
Hello Brian,
I have tried to install:
Nothing is written in the log file.
I've asked Developer Support to create an incident for this issue so we can track it and attempt to further debug what's unique about that particular machine.
I have the same problem with the same setup executables on my Windows XP machine.
No IGWrapper.log file gets created.
Has a solution been found?
I have logged this behavior with our developers in our tracking system, with an issue ID of 58211.
This development issue will be assigned to a developer to research for a fix or other resolution. If some other resolution is reached, I will contact you with this information.
I have the same problem with "NetAdvantage_WinForms_20103.exe".
But i have a IGWrapper.log file.
06:10:13: La demande a échoué avec l'état HTTP 407 : Proxy Authentication Required.06:10:13: à System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) à System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) à Infragistics.Wrapper.Interface.FeedbackService.FeedbackService.StoreFeedbackData(String feedBackType, String keyName, String data) à Infragistics.Wrapper.Interface.Program.Main(String[] args)
Nbenin and Goupil, it sounds like you may be experiencing the same issue as Damien. We are currently investigating the issue to see why the executables are not running properly. I've asked Developer Support to create cases for you or to add you to this incident so we can track it and get to a resolution.
Fabignon, something different is happening for you. This error is occurring while attempting to send back the anonymous feedback. The only time contact with Infragistics is attempted is at the very end of the process, after you are finished installing the product(s) you want, and there had to have been no errors thrown prior to that. How is the executable being run? If you're running it without any command line arguments, then you should be seeing an interface come up.
I have running the exe without any command line arguments (directly from explorer).
I have no UI, and now no log file.
I have trace the activity whit SysIntenals ProcMon if it can help you :
My PC configuratiion :
Windows XP SP3;
Visual Studio 2008;
Visual Stuio 2010 ultimate;
Infragistic NetAdvantage 2008.3;
And many other coporate software...