I have an UltraWeekView calendar that is set up to allow users to drag appointments around. Everything works fine. But if a user holds ctrl and drags, the appointment is copied to the destination. How can this be disabled? (I want user to be able to drag appointments, but not copy them using the ctrl key)
Is there a way to disable this default behaviour of the UltraWinDayView control? (Disable the ability to CTRL key + Drag to make a copy of the appointment?)
Alternatively... does this action raise a particular event?
It would be nice to know how to fix this. I also have an issue with this feature permiting the user to copy events instead of just moving them.
Bump.... Still no answers?
There is no way to disable the creation of copies while dragging in any of the WinSchedule controls. If you like you can visit http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx and submit a request for the feature.
is this function implemented yet?
Is there a solution for this?
this seems to have a lot of limitations