I have a total of 6 pie chart slices
When I set my OthersCategoryPercent = 3, My Pie Chart Control is showing 3 pie Chart slices (including Others),
When I hover mouse over some of the slices (for Instance "Others") DataItemOver event is fired and its e.DataRow gives me Index = 5 which is legitamate when OthersCategoryPercent = 0, however this slice is not even visible ( it is within Others)
Any way to fix that?
e.Primitive != null &&
sorry, i posted this thinking you were using a 2D pie chart. this is a hack and i don't think it will work in PieChart3D. try just evaluating
e.ColumnLabel == this.UltraChart1.PieChart3D.OthersCategoryText
instead of that stuff with the Primitive's Tags property.
I'm seeing the same problem on 3D Pie Charts and 3D Doughnut Charts (every other chart that uses "Other's category" works fine). When I use either of those two, the ChartDataEventArgs refers to one of the rows within the Other's Category, not the Other's Category itself. Is there a fix for this or is there someway for me to figure out if the Other's Slice was clicked.
Note: The previous suggestion of comparing the column label (or row label for that matter) does not work. The label is incorrect.
ok, i tested this and found the same thing. Try e.Primitive.DataPoint.Label instead.
here's a condition that also works, but it is a reflection hack:
bool isOthersWedge = e.Primitive.DataPoint == e.Primitive.Layer.GetType().GetProperty("OthersPoint", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty).GetValue(e.Primitive.Layer, new object[{});