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How to dynamically place an UltraCombo on UltraGridColumn

Let me preface by saying..I'm just getting started with Infragistics so my questions is basic.  Pretty much I'm trying to evaluate if we should use Infragistics or another company.  My feeling is not that great..I think these controls are way to difficult to use. 

Also, I dont know why all the examples are with DataSets.  DataSets are being replaced by Generic Lists...

So, here's what I'm trying to do:

1) I've placed an UltraGrid on my form.

2) everything else will be done dynamically and not with the wizard.. (again not sure why using wizards)

3) using a BindingList<T> to create a hierarchical view of the data in the UltraGrid.

4) For one of the fields in the Band 1 I want to display the value from the bindinglist but when a user clicks the cell I want to be able to display the UltraCombo.  I'm fine with showing the UltraCombo all the time as well.

The problem I'm having is I cannot get the UltraCombo on the UltraGridColumn at run time when a user clicks the column value

I've tried adding the UltraCombo when declaring the Band and Binding the data to the UltraGrid.  I even tried to add the UltraCombo to the UltraGrid_AfterCellActivate


Please give me some guidance


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