1. Is there any possibility how to change a footer in WinGridPrintDocument only on the last page of printed document (grid)?
I need to display different text in footer of last page.
2. Can I format text displayed in header / footer section.
Is it possible to display e.g. text in TextLeft as bold and text TextCenter text as normal text but with bigger font size?
I don't beleive there is any way to do either of these things using simple property settings. But you might be able to achieve these using a DrawFilter or a CreationFilter. But it would be pretty tricky, and I'm not sure it's actually possible. It may depend on how you are printing. Are you using the grid's built-in printing or the UltraGridPrintDocument?
Yes, I'm using UltraGridPrintDocument. Is somewhere any sample of usage DrawFilter or CreationFilter in printing process.