Is anyone experiencing this issue when upgrading from NETAdvantage 2007 to NETAdvantage 2008 on Vista and Visual Studio 2008. Our problem is that since upgrading, when the mouse hovers over a tab group that is associated with a contextual tab group, tool tips appear for tab group that show the contextual tab group name. Since a picture speaks 1000 words, I am attaching an image showing the problem. No code was changed, we only upgraded and recompiled. It does not matter if I turn tooltips off everywhere, they still show up. Help!
I'm seeing the same exact behavior under 64-bit Vista. Was a resolution ever found?
No solution was given yet. I submitted testcode to support that demostraited the problem on our 32-bit Vsta machines, but they said the problem did not reproduce itself on their Vista boxes. Have you contacted support on this issue?
I've taken a look into this issue. I believe this was related to support incident OTH6006; please correct me I'm looking at the wrong incident.
Looking over this support incident, I believe that Developer Support could have done more to better test your scenario. If we'd taken a couple of extra steps, we'd likely have been able to reproduce the issue you were reporting. More importantly, we would have seen that we'd already fixed the issue internally, thanks to a similar issue that was previously reported, and that the fix would be included in the next hot fix.
Developer Support has taken steps to better handle situations like this. We're much quicker to bring in additional resources when we get "stumpers" of this sort than we were nine months ago, which helps us to identify causes and solutions for more issues than we otherwise would.
Please accept my apologies for us not identifying your issue and its solution sooner.
Mike, some work needs to be done on communication at Infragistics. I reported this bug on 3/11/2008 to support. After several exchanges and much sample code written, they denied the bug existed. Now I see why, they were most likely running with the hotfix and of course did not see what we were seeing. They apparently had no knowledge of the issue as it existed in the 2008 vol. 1 release and its subsequent fix on 1/29/08.
I apologize for not answering this post earlier. Apparently, we had some errors with email notifications and it seems that some posts and new threads never caused email notifications to be sent out.
In regards to the issue. It was reported (BR29026) and fixed on 1/29/08. The fix was released in the next hotfix.
Just an update. The strange tooltips that appeared in our Ribbon tabs with the release of 2008 vol 1 have just as mysteriously disappeared with 2008 vol 3. All without acknowledgement from Infragistics. Hope this kind of thing does not happen with future releases!