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Can’t CloseUp Event with the DropDownEditorButton.


Can’t  CloseUp Event with the DropDownEditorButton.

I have a populate ultraGrid column with a UserControl, I am using a ultraTextEditor1  and a DropDownEditorButton to halp me to get the punctuality of a dropdown to my control in the grid column.


The cod in the grid column:

  DropDownEditorButton b = new DropDownEditorButton(); //Dropdown Editor Button

                        b.Control = _workingHoursPicker; //The Multi Select "Combo" with the userCuntrol


                        if (_workingHoursPicker.Owner == null)

                            _workingHoursPicker.Owner = b;

                      this.ultraTextEditor1.ButtonsRight.Add(b); //add the button to the editor control




The cod in my UserControl;


private void saveToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            _owner.CloseUp();  -- not responding





Yaniv l


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