I would like to ask, if there is any possibility how to insert some special row with text as a first row and last row in each group in UltraGrid.
I was able to put some text at the beginning and at the end of second group (there are rows with data) by usage of Summaries. Those texts are marked with yellow color on my picture.
What I need to do, is to put some row with text before GroupByRow and after each GrouByRow, marked on picture with red arrows. (between group-row with Text 'Poradove cislo ...') and GroupRow with text 'Nazov banky ...'
Dusan Musak
Hi Dusan,
I cannot think of any way to do this using grid properties. But you might be able to acheive what you want using a CreationFilter. It would be a bit tricky, though, especially if you are not familiar with CreationFilters.
You might want to search the forums for CreationFilter examples and also get the Infragistics UIElementViewer Utility.
The first thing you would have to to is create a space in which to insert the text. This is very easy. You would handle the InitializeGroupByRow event and then set the RowSpacingBefore and/or RowSpacingAfter property on the row.
Then you have to use the CreationFilter to create a TextUIElement and insert it into that space and you can set the Text to whatever you want.
Hi Mike, thanks for your answer. I'm just fighting with CreationFilter. One other question. When I win my fight :-) with CreationFilter, will be this TextUIElement visible in Print and Export (PDF) too?