1. Is there any way to open UltraPrintPreviewDialog in the same form calling it?
2. Right now I am using Ultraprintpreviewcontrol and I want to embed the toolbox which comes with ultraprintpreviewControl. like zoom,magnify etc. Is there any quick way doing this?
Thank you,
It sounds like you just want the toolbar from the ultraPrintPreviewDialog. Let me know if I haven't understood your question.
Have you tried just using the winToolbarManager and create a toolbar. You can add whatever tools you would like; either the ones that come with the toolbar or embed other tools in the containerControlTool.
Hi Marianne,
Yes, you got it right ! I just need toolbar that comes with ultraprintpreview dialogue.
How should I achieve this?
Hi Stephaniya,
Thanks for response and sorry for late reply. Yes, I tried using toolbar and embed tools functionality within them like zoomin zoom out etc.
Its working !
Thank you very much
Let me know if you have any questions on this matter.
As my colleague Marianne suggested, you can try to create toolbars(Working with Toolbar Types) like those in the ultraPrintPreviewDialog. The ultraPrintPreviewDialog is similar to the standard windows forms printPreviewDialog. In both I believe there is no option to merge the form in the form from which it is called. You may want to submit a feature request for that at the link below: