I'm using the following code,
column.Format = "0.000"; column.MaskInput = "n.nnn";
to make the value of a column in ultrawingrid show/ take 3 decimal points.
The Format is working but the MaskInput is not.
The Grid shows 3 decimal place but when in edit mode it shows 5 decimal places.
Am i missing something? How to do the same?
Thanks and Regards,
Sandeep Chakravarthi T C
I could not reproduce this with a simple test. If possible please attach a simple sample that demonstrates the problem and we will let you know what's going on.
Thanks for the quick reply. Format is working, but MaskInput is not working as expected. I would like to make the column show 3 decimal points in edit mode too, is column.MaskInput = "n.nnn" the right way to do?
I would like to restrict the number of decimal point of a column to 3 even while in edit mode. Is there a chance of doing the same? Why is the response here so sporadic?
The mask you have here is correct. If it's not working, then something is wrong. Perhaps something else in your code is removing the mask. What exactly is not working about it? Is setting the MaskInput having any effect at all?