I'm using the following code,
column.Format = "0.000"; column.MaskInput = "n.nnn";
to make the value of a column in ultrawingrid show/ take 3 decimal points.
The Format is working but the MaskInput is not.
The Grid shows 3 decimal place but when in edit mode it shows 5 decimal places.
Am i missing something? How to do the same?
Thanks and Regards,
Sandeep Chakravarthi T C
I could not reproduce this with a simple test. If possible please attach a simple sample that demonstrates the problem and we will let you know what's going on.
Thanks for the quick reply. Format is working, but MaskInput is not working as expected. I would like to make the column show 3 decimal points in edit mode too, is column.MaskInput = "n.nnn" the right way to do?