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simple multi-select combo box in databound grid

I have a grid that is databound to an object that stores a string of IDs that relate to another lookup list.  So I want a cell bound to this ID pointer column to have a simple multi-select list of display values that when closed puts a delimited string of id values in the bound cell.

I'm also wondering where i should first go to look for answers to this kind of question since i've spent a couple hours looking for help on this and cant find anything except some forum posts that kinda relate but don't really tell me everything i need to implement this correctly.

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    Here's a link to an article on the Infragistics KnowledgeBase that should answer your question.

    HOWTO:What is the best way to place a DropDown list in a grid cell?

    There are also samples included with NetAdvantage that demonstrate using a ValueList (which is probably what you will want to use in this case).

    And if you have questions and can't find answers in the sample or the documentation or the KB, please feel free to post hers in the forums and I will try to point you in the right direction. The WinGrid's object model is pretty huge, so there's a big learning curve, but we are here to help. :)


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