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Take into account the values of the X axis

Hi, I have a datatable that I fill with the following data (example):

Freq VideoValue AudioValue

10     25                14

20     20                12

40     26                11

50     28                15

I want to show the values of Video and Audio for each Frequency. (Freq is on the X Axis, and Video and Audio are the two series to show)
I am able to do that with a ColumnChart (See attachments Infragistics.jpg and Infragistics2.jpg that I got with the property SwapRowsAndColumns set to False and True respectively)
What I want is to scatter the columns according to their values (see attached screenshot Excel2.jpg), something like a time-basis. But these values can be positive or negative.
I don't mind adding columns to my datatable  or change the type of chart if needed(as long as it shows bars).
  • 27093

    Hello Imad,


    I have been looking into your issue and since the Column charts spread their columns equally across their X axis there is no way to make them pinpoint a value on the X Axis like the Scatter chart. In that specific situation when you need to “skip” 30 you can add a dummy data row like this one to make it look as you wanted:


    Freq   |   VideoValue        |  AudioValue

      30          DBNull.Value DBNull.Value




      30                         0                              0



    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.



    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria


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