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Changing Ultralabel Settings ?


I´m using the Windows7.isl but it seems that the Borders for UltraLabels are deactivated in this Style.

So I searched half the day but I didn´t find the options to set the Borderstyle or Colour for those.


Is there a way to Change the Borders for Labels in a .isl ?



  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I took a look and I noticed that if I set the ComponentRole for the UltraLabel (Component Role Settings-->Infragistics Components-->UltraLabel) and I set the BorderStyleInner to something like Solid, then the text in the label is shifting a little. This indicates that the border is there, it's probably just transparent.

    So I started looking at the UIRoles, starting with the UltraLabel role. This role is not applying any settings to the border section, so I started walking up the role's parent chain. UltraLabelBase is empty, as is ControlArea, and that brings us to the Base role. It looks like this is the culprit, and it's setting the Border color of everything in the isl to transparent. So... it's probably not a good idea to change that, since it will affect every control.

    So what I suggest is that you go back to the UltraLabel UIRole and set the Border color explicitly and that will override the color on the Base Role. 

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