I have tow bands in my wingrid. When the value in parent band changes, I want to delete all the rows in the child band. Can somebody tell me how to do it?
In the CellChange event:
foreach (var childRow in parentRow.Childbands[0].Rows)
Amiram, did you test this code? It seems to me like this is very dangerous and might even cause an exception. You should never remove items from a collection in a ForEach loop, since removing items will change the size of the collection and thus mess up the indexer.
Here's some safer code:
private void DeleteAllChildRows(UltraGridRow parentRow) { foreach (UltraGridChildBand childBand in parentRow.ChildBands) { UltraGridRow[] rows = (UltraGridRow[])childBand.Rows.All; foreach (UltraGridRow row in rows) { row.Delete(false); } } }