hope you can help me with this questions:
1. I have a long row on ultragrid and I want to make it shorter. one of methods to do it (in excel for instance) is to brake the text on long cell. how do I do it on ultragrid? if you have other method to deal with this (except of scroll bar) I would like to hear.
2.I want to put an Icon on some column and each time the user click there I wont to be able get the value of the ID cell on this row how do I put an icon? which event should I use?
3. I'm hiding some columns during the "InitializeLayout" event. the problem is that I'm steel seeing them before I load the datasource. what should I do?
That is all for now. thank you for your help.
1. In any appearance object you can find the TextTrimming property.
2. Set any column style to "Button" and set the column.CellButtonAppearance.Image to your image. Handle the ClickCellButton event. To get the value of the ID cell:
var data = e.Cell.Row.ListObject as MyDataObject;
var id = data.ID;
----- or -----
var id = e.Cell.Row.GetCellValue("ID");
3. Why not hiding them in the designer?
Hi Amiram.
Thank you for your answer.
1. I tried to set the appearance to all available options in TextTrimming enum but non of them gives me the ability to show the hole text in the cell by braking the line to two lines. is there other method?
2.thank you for this, I think that it's common to set this property:
Columns["a"].ButtonDisplayStyle= Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ButtonDisplayStyle.Always;
because by default it's OnMouseEnter.
3.didn't think about that :) .
I didn't think you needed to see the whole text. Just set the column.CellMultiLine to true.
WOW. Thank you very much. You really helped me.
I also used this property:
gridName.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSizing = RowSizing.AutoFixed;
because although the hole text shown but the row height is the same. above setting fixed this.