I'd like to build a grid with different items ( these items have "families")
the grid is ordered by family and items names
I'd like to know if for each family I can have the summary of the items (quantity and value) at the en of the items of the family ?
item1 qty1 value1
item2 qty2 value2
total family1 qty1+Qty2.... value1+value2+......
itemf1 qtyf1 value f1
itemf2 qtyf2 valuef2
total family 2 ..........................
I "managed" to do this by going through the grid and add row and move them
but when I want to print the grid ou export it into an excel file i get all summaries at the en of the grid ...
How can I do it ?
If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, you could bind the grid to a flat list of data and add a summary, then use the OutlookGroupBy feature to group the grid by family and the summaries would be broken up into sub-totals like you have here.
I tried to use the outlookgroupby viewstyle , but It puts the number of different items and not the values...
It is written in english ( as I work for french people I'd like to be able to translate items ) and more generally all things written in english in the infragistics components like in the outlookgroupby
I'd like it to be expanded too by default...