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Populating Grid From Collection Of Custom Objects

We have a custom BLPerson object which contains a number of child object such as BLUserid

We then do the following

BLCollection<BLPerson> ALLPeople=new BLCollection<BLPerson>
bLPersonBindingSource.DataSource =AllPeople;
blPersonUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.MaxBandDepth = 4;
this .blPersonUltraGrid.DataSource = this.bLPersonBindingSource;

Basically we have ALLPeople which is a collection of BLPerson which we bind to a grid.

We notice that when we trace into the line bLPersonBindingSource.DataSource =AllPeople; 
the code is going into each of the child objects for each of the BLPerson objects in the ALLPeople collection and populating this child object. This causes a significant performance.

We notice that if we comment out the bLPersonBindingSource.DataSource =AllPeople; line and set the grids datasource directly i.e this .blPersonUltraGrid.DataSource =ALLPeople then the problem doesn't ocurr however I have read that it is not good to set the datasource directly.

Any help on the best way to do this would be appreciated

Thanks John