Good day
it's posible to have a wingrid with pivot functionality soon to be used on winforms?
i believe you all ready has one for WPF and maybe could be matter of time to have one also for winforms, this question is because we are planning to stop using crystal reports and start using a grid with that functionality and would be awesome if the component is also from infragistics.
No, there's no pivot functionality in WinGrid. The closest thing would be CardView mode.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics
can WPF data visualization XAMpivotgrid control be used on windows forms?
Yes you can host WPF XAML within a Windows form and also the other way around. There are many articles about how to do this. Check around if you can't find one I will try and dig one up.
Yes Nick thats correct.
I have also posted some links to msdn articles above that could help.