I have an UltraGrid bound to a DataTable where each column can be saved individually. Is there any way that after a succesful Save operation I can reset the OriginalValue of each cell in that column to whatever the (current) Value is?
I don't really understand what you mean. The grid will display whatever data exists in it's DataSource. There is no way to do anything else.
You cannot set the "OriginalValue" on a cell, this property is handled internally by the grid.
OK let me try give some more detail. Imagine the grid looks like this:
Name | Telephone 1 | Telephone 2---------------------------------------------------------Person 1 | |Person 2 | |...
Value and OriginalValue for Telephone1 and Telephone2 for both persons is null. Next, I enter the following:
Name | Telephone 1 | Telephone 2---------------------------------------------------------Person 1 | 12345 |Person 2 | 98765 |...
OriginalValue for Person1.Telephone1 is null but Value is "12345". OriginalValue for Person2.Telephone1 is null but Value is "98765". At this point I click Save and want to save all changes in column Telephone1. When this operation succeeds, I would like to have:
Person1.Telephone1: OriginalValue=12345, Value=12345Person2.Telephone1: OriginalValue=98765, Value=98765
Currently what happens after the save, Person1.Telephone1.OriginalValue remains null which might be true in the context of the grid but does not work for me since I want without refreshing/reloading the grid to "reset" the original values. Something like:
Hope this makes more sense.