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Problem with Unbound Checkbox Column

I'm working on a Customer Form for my application.  We need to track a 1:many relationship between the customer and internal Orgaqnizations for the firm.  There are currently three which is unlikely to ever change (perhaps there would be a few more over time).

I'd like to represent this by showing a grid of all Three organizations for the firm with a checkbox indicating whether the current customer is assigned to that organization.  I bound the Grid to the global Organization List  - ID (Hidden), Name, and Description - each set to ReadOnly (CellActivition: NoEdit)

At design time I added an Unbound Column Named "Selected" with type of "Boolean" and Style "Checkbox"

In the Initialize Row Event, I check the Customer's List of Organizations, if the ID is present I set the checkbox value to True.

In the "Save Button Click" Event - I iterate through the grid rows to check the state of the checkbox - if it will get added to the customer's list (assuming it hasn't already) and if clear - Remove it from the list if it exists.

Here's my problem:

Setting the checkboxes work fine - by clearing them doesn't.  The value still shows as True.  Also If I click on another checkbox after clearing one, it reverts the first box back to checked.

How can I get the grid to behave the way I desire?

