I'm working on a Customer Form for my application. We need to track a 1:many relationship between the customer and internal Orgaqnizations for the firm. There are currently three which is unlikely to ever change (perhaps there would be a few more over time).
I'd like to represent this by showing a grid of all Three organizations for the firm with a checkbox indicating whether the current customer is assigned to that organization. I bound the Grid to the global Organization List - ID (Hidden), Name, and Description - each set to ReadOnly (CellActivition: NoEdit)
At design time I added an Unbound Column Named "Selected" with type of "Boolean" and Style "Checkbox"
In the Initialize Row Event, I check the Customer's List of Organizations, if the ID is present I set the checkbox value to True.
In the "Save Button Click" Event - I iterate through the grid rows to check the state of the checkbox - if it will get added to the customer's list (assuming it hasn't already) and if clear - Remove it from the list if it exists.
Here's my problem:
Setting the checkboxes work fine - by clearing them doesn't. The value still shows as True. Also If I click on another checkbox after clearing one, it reverts the first box back to checked.
How can I get the grid to behave the way I desire?
That's a good solution. :)
The intended use of the InitializeRow event is to allow you to respond to changes in the row and apply colors or perform calculations on the values in a row. A typical example would be making text in a cell appear red or black (for negative and position numbers respectively) for an accounting program.
So the event will fire the first time the row is initialized, of course, but it also fires any time any value of any cell in the row changes. This way, if the value of a cell changes, the color that you are applying will change, as well.
Or, you are are calculating the value of one cell based on the values of some other cells in the row, the calculation code will get called any time any of the source values change.
This morning I reviewed the problem with a co-worker who has a lot more experience with the Infragistic controls... Much of my experience is using ASP.NET Gridview - which has an "On Row Databound" Event which I assumed the Initialize Row event was the correlary to.
My coworker was aware that the RowInitialize event fires very often (I haven't quite figured out when - it seems like it fires when the row loses focus?) and that is where my code is populating the value of the unbound field - so it was resetting the value to the state of the business object when the form was loaded.
I was able to solve my problem by putting the following code in the event: - since it will ignore calls to the event other than the first initialization (desired behavior)
It is difficult to speculate about the problem without a sample project or code. If possible provide a sample project that demonstrates the problem, or if that is not possible, a code sample, and we will try to help.