I have a composite chart that I want to be able to scroll the X axis. I have set the following:
ultraChart1.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = true;
ultraChart1.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Scroll = 0;
but that does not seem to work. The composite chart contains a single 2D Line chart (for now).
In the composite charts there are custom axis. You have to find the right one. This should be something like:
ScrollScaleAppearance scaleAppearance = this.ultraChart1.CompositeChart.ChartAreas[0].Axes[0].ScrollScale;
scaleAppearance.Scale = 0.2;
ScrollScale property for now is not public visible, because it's not tested well, but you can try to use this.
That worked. I also found I can add the information when I am setting up the axis so I don't have to guess which index it is.
axisX.OrientationType = AxisNumber.X_Axis;
axisX.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData;
axisX.Labels.Orientation = TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing;
axisX.ScrollScale.Scale = 0.2;
Thanks for your help.
The ASP.NET chart doesn’t support scrolling like in the WinForms version.
In the ASP.NET chart you can use:
UltraChart1.EnableScrollBar = true;
Unfortunately, this doesn’t not work with the CompositeChart.
Is there a plan to support scrolling in composite asp.net charts? Is there a workaround besides not using composite charts?
I know this is the wrong forum, but there seems not much missing to get the composite chart to work with scrolling? The image is rendered perfect. The only thing missing is the interaction with the mouse actions?
Sorry, now I saw your previous post.
Unfortunately, even the image is rendered correctly; the interaction in ASP.NET is different than WinForms. In WinForms we are recreating the chart on every scroll change.
In ASP.NET the chart is created as an Image on the server and for that we are not supporting scrolling like in WinForms. In this case for every change we’ll need to create a new image on the server. In ASP.NET the only scrolling that we support is
Here we create one big image, which we are scrolling on the browser, without going to the server.
Thank you for your answer Teodor. So Scrolling should also work on the asp chart. Different but it should work somehow. I guess my error was to enable the scrolling parameter on the axis?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a workaround for that. You can submit a feature request for this here:
So back to my first question:
In ASP.NET it doesn’t work on composite chart.
UltraChart.EnableScrollBar was already set to true;