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Custom events not firing


I am setting a UltraNumericEditor to a column in grid as fallows


            UltraNumericEditor editorForDecimalColumns = new UltraNumericEditor();

            editorForDecimalColumns.NumericType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.NumericType.Double;

            editorForDecimalColumns.MaskInput = "nnnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn";         

            ultraGridRow.Cells["MyColumn"].EditorControl = editorForDecimalColumns;



and added the events as fallows


                   editorForDecimalColumns.AfterEnterEditMode += new                                    EventHandler(editorForDecimalColumns_AfterEnterEditMode);

            editorForDecimalColumns.Click += new EventHandler(editorForDecimalColumns_Click);

            ultraGridRow.Cells["MyColumn"].EditorControl.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(EditorControl_MouseClick);     



but the problem is none of the events are getting fired when we click or enter the cell in MyColumn in grid.

I want to select the text in the cell of MyColumn if we click it for first time.

Can someone help me to select the entire text in the ultraNumericEditor or can why the events are not firing.

Thanks in advance



  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Navi,

    This has been discussed on the forums quite a number of times. Search for some of my posts involving the EditorControl property.

    Basically, the grid doesn't use the actual control. The editor control just provides a copy of it's editor to the grid. So almost no events on the control will fire in response to anything you do in the grid. The grid has it's own events and you should use those.

    In this case, you probably need to use the AfterEnterEditMode event on the grid.

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