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load ultracalendartinfo from database

Hi i'm traying to load my ultracalendartinfo from a table, but the tag property is null allways.

i have try this way but is there more ways to load from a table? many thanks

my table is :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Schedule_Appointments] (

[AppointmentID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

[AllProperties] [varbinary] (2048) NULL ,

[StartDateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

[EndDateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

[Subject] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

[AllDayEvent] [bit] NOT NULL ,

[OwnerKey] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

[app_id] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL 




and  i do that : 

            AppointmentsDataBinding appointmentsDataBinding = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForAppointments;

            appointmentsDataBinding.AllPropertiesMember = "AllProperties";

            appointmentsDataBinding.StartDateTimeMember = "StartDateTime";

            appointmentsDataBinding.EndDateTimeMember = "EndDateTime";

            appointmentsDataBinding.SubjectMember = "Subject";

            appointmentsDataBinding.AllDayEventMember = "AllDayEvent";

            appointmentsDataBinding.OwnerKeyMember = "OwnerKey";

            appointmentsDataBinding.Tag = "app_id";

            appointmentsDataBinding.SetDataBinding(this.DatabaseSupport.DataSet, WinScheduleDatabaseSupportBase.APPOINTMENTS_TABLE_NAME);

            appointmentsDataBinding.BindingContextControl = this;


All work fine but my appointment.tag is null , what can i do? if the table will be different with columns location,etc how can i load this values??????

many thanks

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  • 485
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I believe the Tag property expects an object so you could not assign a literal value to it.

    Load all the other items you want to include about the appointment into an object and then assign it to the TAG.
