The attached jpeg illustrates a character limit for the UltraMessageBox Header component. I tried this with plain text and formatted text. The formatted text allows more characters to be viewed but still cuts off viewable characters. Is wordwrapping in the header an option? It doesn't appear to be a problem with the content and footer sections.
Hello MRohrer,
I believe that 'breaking' the header into more lines might be helpful to you in this situation. You could achieve this by inserting '\n' in the text where you want it to break into another line.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I'm trying to message out a string that has a string length of 4000. I tried to set it to the content area of the UltraMessageBox and nothing is showing. It's working fine with short messages. I'm doing something like this:
Dim MSB as new UltraMessageBoxManager
Dim messageInfo as new UltraMesasgeBoxInfo()
messageInfo. TextFormatted = "some long text message"
Is there any string length limit on content area? Shouldn't the UltraMessageBox grow accordingly to the size of the text? Am I missing something? Thanks.
Hello ,
MessageBox and UltraMessageBoxManager was designed to display short informative messages to the end user. Message with 4000 chars is a little bit more than average Word’s page (about 3000 charts or 500 word ), which meant that message box should display scrollbars in order to display this text, and message boxes are not designed to display scrollbars. So what I could advice you is to create your own custom DialogBox where you could put Text box that could display 4000 charts, and could display scrollbars. On the following link you will find more information about “How to create Dialog Boxes at Design Time”:
I hope that this will helps you.