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Doubt regarding the "Date" drop down in UltraGrid.

Hi Friends,

I have a date drop down in the UltraGrid.
When i make the date blank, a "//" string 
is shown when the focus on the cell is lost.
The format I am using is "mm/dd/YYY".
I dont want the "//" thing to appear everytime
I make the date blank and lose focus.


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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Siddharth,

    I tried this out and I cannot get the behavior you describe. When I clear out a date cell in the grid and leave the cell, the cells shows up completely empty. I tried setting a Format on the cell and that made no different.

    So this must be caused by some other settings you are applying to the cell. What properties are set on this column?

