I have an Excel file which I load into an Infragistics.Excel.Workbook object. In this Excel file, I have a cell where I put a value, and another one which calculates something from the first one. In my code, I want to retrieve the resulting value from this second cell, but all I can get is the formula itself.How do I tell the Infragistics.Excel engine to give me the value, not the formula?ThanksGuy
The ability to solve formulas is not currently supported in the Excel assembly. I would recommend submitting a feature request for this to the support group: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx. I have seen other people request this and the number of requests for a certain feature does play a part in what gets implemented in future releases.
Wow... I don't see how the Infragistics.Excel engine can be useful without the ability to get calculated values out of the worksheet!!!!
What do you use it for?!?
Isn't there a way I could do it? I find this hard to believe...
Well that seems to support my theory about what is causing the lag. Recalculate will explicitly force the calculation of all formulas whereas getting the first calculated value just does it lazily.
It makes sense that the lag would return when the Recalculate call is removed. But I am curious: is there one lag and then everything is fine after that, or are you experiencing multiple lags? If it is only one, then there is really nothing you can do other than submit a performance bug so that we can look into possibly reducing the lag. And the only thing you could do in code in that case is choose whether you want to control when the lag occurs (with a Recalculate call) or you want to let it happen when it needs to happen. But if there are multiple lags, there may be a bug.
If I don't use Recalculate() there are absolutely multiple lags, not just one. Every time I ask for a cell value in my loop, it seems to recalculate all workbook formulas.
Would it be possible to attach a small sample reproducing this?
I'm trying to reproduce the problem in a sample project but it seems to work fine. The first time I get the cell value there is a lag, then all is running smoothly.I'm trying to figure out why in my real project I have that issue and perhaps I'll ask for further support.Thanks
When you add in new formulas in your sample, are many of the other existing formulas dependant on that new formula (directly or indirectly). In other words, would the added formula require all other formulas to be recalculated?
In that case, I think I will need to see the source code related to populating the worksheet to be of any help. It is something you can post on this thread? If not, I will have a Developer Support engineer contact you to create a private case.
It shouldn't be my case, beacuse if it was, it would be irrelevant to put Recalculate() or not before looping my cell values. In my case, instead, if I execute Recalculate(), all formulas are calculated just once and all is running well, if I comment Recalculate(), it seems to calculate all formulas every time I ask for a cell value.