I use UltraDockManager to manage MDI child forms in a parent form. I would like to hide tab caption when it stays in the parent form, however, if I drag or dock (in floating) from the group, I will like to show the caption. So later I can click the caption to return it back to the group or drag it around. Because without the caption it can not do anothing. Please show me some code snippet what I should do in which event handler, and I believe I should set DockableControlPane.Settings.ShowCaption to true or false to show or hide the caption, correct?
Hello cpswart,
I have created the following case for you:
CAS-70671-S35DF8. I will provide you further details regarding the desired behavior through your case.Please feel free to let me know if you need any assistance or if you have any other questions.
Providing public solutions would be nicer as other people often find these threads looking for the same answers.
I know it's old but I would like to do this as well if anyone could provide some insight.
Hello n2dfire,
This was fixed from v11.2.20112.2004 and above, and v11.1.20111.2050 and above.
Please let me know if these fix your issue or if you have any other questions.
Thank you for choosing Infragistics!
I have the same issue and I don't see the actual solution. According to Boris, this has been fixed, but what is the actual fixed? I am having this problem with version 2019.2. Is there a setting to automatically show the caption of a pane when the pane is floated or it is the only one in the dock area?
This thread is over 6 years old and frankly, I'm not sure I even understand the question. You might want to just start a new thread on the forums here and explain exactly what you want to achieve and I'm sure we can help you out.